Embracing Destiny: How Taekwondo Transformed My Life


About Coach Marie Arellano

"Discovering Taekwondo was like finding my destiny. From childhood dreams to college realities, this martial art has been my sanctuary. It has brought me moments of laughter, stress relief, and personal growth that I never could have imagined.

Growing up, I longed to train and hone my martial arts skills, but living in a province without any Taekwondo facilities seemed like an insurmountable barrier. However, fate intervened during my college years and guided me to the Taekwondo Varsity Team in my school.

From the moment I stepped onto the mat, I knew I had found my calling. The supportive teammates and camaraderie forged through Taekwondo went beyond mere friendship and became a bond built on shared experiences and mutual growth.

Taekwondo became my sanctuary—a place where I could escape the pressures of exams and deadlines, finding clarity amidst the chaos. Its therapeutic effects extended far beyond the physical realm, providing me with the strength and resilience needed to navigate the challenges of single motherhood.

Despite initial concerns from my family about balancing academics and sports, I proved that dedication knows no bounds. Graduating from one of the most rigorous courses in my school, achieving black belt status, and leading multiple organizations—all while excelling in Taekwondo—solidified my belief in the power of perseverance.

Now, as I reflect on my journey, I am grateful for the transformative impact that Taekwondo has had on my life. It has not only made me physically stronger but has also instilled within me a sense of resilience, determination, and self-belief.

To anyone facing obstacles on their journey, I urge you to embrace destiny's twists and turns. Within every challenge lies an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. And remember, with unwavering determination, even the impossible becomes possible.

So, step onto the mat of life with courage and conviction, for you never know where destiny may lead you. Embrace the journey, for it is through adversity that we truly discover our strength."

         -Marie Grace Arellano Rosales, 41, Sorsogon State University, Sorsogon, Philippines

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