From Volleyball Dreams to Taekwondo Triumphs: My Journey to Finding Passion and Purpose in College

About Rose Ann Gabrin

"Starting college is an exciting time for many students, and for me, I had a goal in mind - to join a sports organization. Specifically, I had my sights set on joining a volleyball team. However, I quickly realized that joining the team would be difficult since the team recruited varsity players from their previous school. But that didn't stop me from pursuing my passion for sports. 

One day while walking around campus, I stumbled upon a poster for the Karate organization. It piqued my interest, and I decided to join since I wanted to learn how to defend myself. My friend Jeremy suggested that I try Taekwondo instead, which he had joined. 

I decided to give it a go, and I was convinced that Taekwondo was the right choice for me. I loved the sport's emphasis on lower body strength and coordination. But it wasn't just about the physical benefits. I quickly found that Taekwondo was a great way to meet new people and make friends. The people I met in the Taekwondo organization became like family to me - they supported me, helped me mature, and encouraged me to believe in my potential. 

Even after a tough day, I found solace in discussing Taekwondo with my new friends. Initially, my family was not too keen on me joining Taekwondo. They were worried that I would hurt myself and that the sport was expensive. But after a few months, they gave me the freedom to pursue my passion. When the time for our intramurals arrived, they showed their support, and I was thrilled to win a gold medal. 

Taekwondo has been so beneficial to me in so many ways. Not only has it improved my physical fitness, flexibility, and coordination, but it has also taught me discipline, self-confidence, and stress relief. It has been a fantastic way to enhance both my mental and physical well-being while learning self-defense techniques. 

Overall, joining Taekwondo has been one of the best decisions I have made in college. It has allowed me to pursue my passion, make new friends, and improve my overall well-being."

-Rose Ann Garbin, 19 | Sorsogon State University, Sorsogon City, Philippines

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